Group C

Budget for Proposal

 The audience: The highly quailified fourth grade teachers and administrators at Chapel Hills Elementary School. Each fourth grade teacher will attend in-service training on the use of Audacity, Comic Life and Voice Thread.  Teachers will create mini-lessons for their students. Students will also attend in-service on the stated software and will complete the mini-lessons create by their teachers for additional training.

The goal of this proposal is to provide background knowledge on multiplication facts. This background knowledge will serve as the foundation upon which students will build fluency of multiplication facts.  Fluency of multiplication facts will allow students to expand their number and computation skills to make the connection between multiplication and division. Therefore leading to increase CRCT scores and closing the gap between the school annual measurable objective (AMO) and the state annual measurable objective for fourth grade students.

Anticipated Expenses and Budget

Materials to be purchased:
            8GB Flash Drives for teachers $19.99 Total Cost $147.73
Color Copier Paper for flyer for Open House Total Cost $51.32

Equipment to be purchased:

Software to be purchased:
Comic Life for 750 students Total Cost $1592.00

Voice Thread for 750 students Total Cost $ 750.00

 Existing School Resources:
Materials:Construction paper, Scissors, Glue, Crayons, Toothpicks, Tempera paints, Drawing paper, Counters, Milk Cartons from student lunch

        Library Resources:
Chart Paper, Index Cards, Newspaper Ads, 2 Mobile Computer labs,
Software Application, Accelerated Reader, Microsoft Office 2007 Suite, Audacity, Application Support''&DepartmentID=''&SubDepartmentID=''&PageID='9336'&SubPageID='7456'
 Services from School Personnel

            Media Specialist will provide in-service training for students and teachers

            Douglas County Schools: Information and Technology Services Departments

            Education Technology Department