Group C

Evaluation Tools

Assessment Tools for Each Instructional Activity

Please click the text above to view the assessment tools

Surveys for In-Service and Lesson Plan Implementation

 At the end of each in-service training session teachers will complete a survey on about the effectiveness of the training they receive. This will assist with planning future training and also address the needs of teachers in providing professional development opportunities.

During each grade level meeting the Grade Chair will use a Parking Lot. 1.The Parking Lot will be used to assess the successes of lesson plans implementation. 2. Allows teachers to raise concerns and challenges with implementation of lesson plans. 3.  Discuss if there are any modifications that need to be made with lesson plans or technology integration.
Exit ticket will be used as a quick assessment at the end of each lesson to address any questions students might have about today’s lesson or misconceptions about multiplication. will be used as an overall, survey to elicit response from students, teachers and parents about the effectiveness of the lessons, skills taught, homework assignments or assessments.

Additional Support

The Media Specialist will be asked to do a mini-lesson on Accelerated Reader for both students and teachers in support of AR times 2.

Prior to implementation-The principal and assistance principals, media specialist and fourth grade chair will be meet with the Instructional Technology Department to discuss an implementation plan for Audacity, Comic Life and Voice Thread? Discuss with instructional technology department about hardware/software guidelines for Audacity, Comic Life, Teacher Tube and Voice Thread. How will troubleshooting problems with hardware/software be handle? Who will be the contact person for the grade level and Instructional Technology Department? Will students receive training on handling and use of laptop computer? Will this same training be offer to teachers? Will the instructional department provide additional support for teachers who need it on Microsoft Office Suite and other software? What will be the procedures for requesting additional support or training?

Open House will be held before beginning the unit to get parental support and involvement for the unit. Upon completion of the unit another Open House will be held so that parents and other community members can come and view student’s work. This will also provide students an opportunity to share what they have learned about Multiplication.