Group C

Resources & Articles

  Geist, E.. (2010). The Anti-Anxiety Curriculum: Combating Math Anxiety in the Classroom. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 37(1), 24-31.  Retrieved November 5, 2010, from ProQuest Education Journals. (Document ID: 2011820081).

In this article Andrew Geist examines some of the reasons for math anxiety.  He associates these anxieties with gender and income level. Mainly, however, Geist attributes these anxieties to the methods in which math are presented to young children.  Geist describes school curriculums preferred learning style as rote memorization achieved through timed test and repetition. According to Geist the underachievement of these students is a direct result of the method of instruction.
This writer discusses the declination of math success among female students as associated with timed testing.  The writer adds that timed testing increases anxiety, reduces accuracy and creates a negative attitude towards the subject. Girls also internalize teachers’ attitudes about their math success and realize that expectations are lower than they are for boys.  Geist also points out that before 4th grade, girls outperform or are equally mathematically inclined as boys.
For students of lower income, this writer associates math anxiety with inherited parental anxieties.  Accordingly, these anxieties are passed on because of the parents’ inability to conquer the subject.  The writer takes care to note that this deficiency is not related to a native or genetic disability but the result of the continuous cycle of employing an incorrect instructional method.

This writer describes a study of two groups of children.  One group was given pencil and paper and instructed through minute man drills and the other group was given drill and practice computer software and multiplication puzzles.  The group given the computer software and puzzles showed a significant increase in their math potential where as there was no noticeable increase in the former group.

 Schoppek, W., & Tulis, M. (2010). Enhancing Arithmetic and Word-Problem Solving Skills Efficiently by Individualized Computer-Assisted Practice. Journal of Educational Research, 103(4), 239-252. Retrieved from Professional Development Collection database  November 6, 2010.

In this article, writers focus on the importance of study and practice.  In doing this the writers present two research studies in which students use computer assisted instruction through Merlin’s Math Mill.  Writers conclude that with just 1 hour of additional study for seven consecutive weeks, seven 3rd classes increased their knowledge of mathematics operations significantly.  Writers conclude that because each student was given the opportunity to practice skills that were at the associative stage of development they were in turn able to use these skills progressively as when encountering the next procedure.

MacDonald, L., & Caverly, D. (1999). Techtalk: Technology and developmental math. Journal of Developmental Education, 22(3), 32. Retrieved from Professional Development Collection database November 7, 2010.

This writer chronicles the evolutionary development of math software from the early electronic worksheets to Plato’s spontaneous deliveries through the WWW.   These software programs focus on student centered learning which will allow students to work at their own pace and will also branch off into tutorials and drills.

Some of the software programs discussed in this article is the Basic Math Competency Series; the Math-Learning Plus Series; Plato's Math Problem Solving and Basic Mathematics/Pre Algebra-Interactive Mathematics Series.

These software even take account the math anxiety some students experience.  McDonald points out how Algebra Made Painless makes use of humor and graphics to help make abstractions like number properties more concrete.  For each software review in this article, McDonald describes its benefits; various purchase options and how it will assist the struggling student.

Lawrence, S., McNeal, K., & Yildiz, M.. (2009). Summer Program Helps Adolescents Merge Technology, Popular Culture, Reading, and Writing for Academic Purposes. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 52(6), 483-494.  Retrieved November 10, 2010, from ProQuest Education Journals. (Document ID: 167450154

This article describes how 4 educators at William Peterson University created a summer literacy program that would not only engage students but would help them to improve their writing and literacy skills while learning to be socially responsible.  This team of instructors included a professor of instructional technology, a mathematics professor, a literacy professor and one that teaches urban education.  Three of these professors report their experiences with a group of minority students. The reading and writing sessions the students experienced provided opportunities to examine social issues and grasp the perception as change agents for their communities.  Throughout this project, the element of social justice prevailed as a constant theme.

For this experience, these educators used practices that connected reading and writing with technology.  Students used Comic Life to create 4 projects.

1.         The first project was an individual comic

2.         The next was that individuals reader response project

3.         The third was an individual critique

4.         Finally students created an informational comic strip.

These educators concluded that teachers should organize the curriculum to provide students with opportunities to interact with a wide variety of texts.  Furthermore, they believe that students should be immersed in the learning environment that best supports their individual learning styles.  They also encourage teachers not to steer away from technology because of their limited experience.  These writers suggest “teachers...need to develop three dimensions of knowledge” ( Jones & Moreland, 2004, p. 123)—knowledge about technology as a content area, knowledge in technology, and knowledge about teaching technology. 1)


Doe, C. (2005). A LOOK AT… PRODUCTS FOR MATH TEACHERS. MultiMedia & Internet@Schools, 12(4), 29-33. Retrieved from Professional Development Collection database.

This writer has created a list of some of the newly developed programs that assist struggling students with math fluency.  Specifically, it reviews these sources by giving a detailed review of its components, math fluency approaches and the cost.  Furthermore, the writer distinguishes between intervention and supplemental programs.  The writer reviews five intervention programs which are intended for use with students who are struggling with regular math content and  eight supplemental programs.  However the writer points out that in the supplemental category distinctions may become blurred because supplemental programs may also include intervention.  Based upon the reviews of this writer and our subject matter it would seem that PLATO Math Expeditions which connects concepts to real-world situations including history, science, social studies, and geography would best suit our purposes.


 Georgia Department of Education, 4th Grade Criterion-Referenced Tests Objectives and Assessment Characteristics, Mathematics and Reading Tests. [Georgia Criterion-Referenced Tests]. Publication Date: 1983-05-00 Retrieved from Eric November 13, 2010

This document identifies the objectives and assessment characteristics for 4th grade mathematics and reading. For the purpose of our project I have outlined the pertinent objectives for 4th grade mathematics.

The Mathematics objectives for 4th grade are as follows:

1.        Concept Identification

a)         The student should be able to identify relations and property sets and

b)         Students should   be able to recognize different names for whole numbers. 

c)         Students should be able to identify sets of points and their relationship properties

d)         The student selects customary or metric units to measure length, area, volume, weight, time and temperature.

2.        Component Operation

a)         Focuses o addition, subtraction, multiplication and division as well as using units of measurement.

3.        Problem Solving

a) Requires students to apply the appropriate concepts and operations to problems.

Furthermore, the article includes assessment characteristics and list sample questions for all operations.


Scarlatos, L., & Scarlatos, T. (2008). Teacher Directed Active Learning Games. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 37(1), 3-18. doi:10.2190/ET.37.1.b.  Retrieved from EBSCOhost  November 13, 2010.

This article focuses on two interfaces for computer games that will allow a teacher to manipulate computer games to fit the curriculum and be customized for a particular student.  For our purposes I will review the SmartStep which is designed to assist students struggling I mathematics.  This writer asserts that “One of the best ways to gain proficiency with numbers and operations is with individualized practice.”  To accomplish this SmartStep reinforces basic math skills by having K-5 students solve math equations, using a DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) dance pad for input. As in hopscotch or jump rope, the physical activity helps to keep students engaged while honing motor skills, pattern recognition, rhythm, and coordination (Scarlatos, L., & Scarlatos, T.)

The article includes visual images of the game and goes in to detail about the manipulative abilities available to teachers. Teachers can design learning programs that are best suited for their curriculum and may define activities for and review the performance of a particular student.  With this program, teachers may also or create a playlist for their students by selecting one or more pre-defined math activities from a menu.

Ketterlin-Geller, L., Chard, D., & Hank, F. (2008). Making Connections in Mathematics: Conceptual Mathematics Intervention for Low-Performing Students. Remedial & Special Education, 29(1), 33-45. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database November, 14, 2010.

This article discusses the findings of a research study done at four elementary schools in the Pacific Northwest that did not make AYP for the 2005-2005 school year.   Researchers do not mandate the interventions but present that these interventions seem consistently be effective.

This study asserts that because many students in the elementary grades are introduced to mathematical concepts and skills in a manner that may not be precise and may not fully prepare them for later mathematics learning intervention Knowing Math” which reteaches the fundamentals includes 12 to 14 weeks of daily lessons delivered through mathematical conversations aimed at revealing students’ mistakes and misconceptions.  It is a common concern that teachers have too little time to spend on mathematics instruction and students often are unable to master and build fluency in key mathematical topics.

The “Extended Core intervention was designed by classroom teachers and the project’s research team to provide students with extra time and support with the specific content being taught in the school district’s curriculum most importantly, the intervention allows teachers additional time to practice recently taught skills.

Researchers concluded from this study that results point to promising practices for students who struggle in mathematics using these interventions.  However, the research does acknowledge that questions still remain about the most effective intervention program for students based on the particular students needs; although this study does provide evidence in support of these two promising practices

Sergei Abramovich, & Eun Kyeong Cho. (2006). Technology as a Medium for Elementary Preteachers' Problem-Posing Experience in Mathematics. The Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 25(4), 309-323.  Retrieved November 14, 2010, from Research Library. (Document ID: 1140698981).

This article attempts to provide reasoning for support in the use of spreadsheet environments in the early grades.  According to this writer, the first step in preparing teachers for the 21st century classrooms will include the notion of teacher as a “technologically minded curriculum developer.”   This should be basis of the pedagogy.  In this study, Spreadsheet-based environments designed by the authors, are introduced from a tool kit perspective.
This document focuses on using open-ended problems with young children, something that requires special skills by the teachers.  The document suggests that the implementation of such a dynamic perspective on the learning of mathematics begins with the teacher preparation.  This writer suggests the most important tenet for the successful integration of technology into the curriculum should be the selection of the most appropriate software. The appropriate use of technology in mathematical instruction is integral for the success of the lessons.
This writer further suggests that the spreadsheet environment can be used in both manipulative and computing activities.  Evidence from this research suggests that there is more success in problem posing and problem solving when students can design their own explorations.  Using situated addition and subtraction as a medium for problems engages students to seek out various scenarios and develop a multifaceted and more complex understanding of outcomes.  The writer includes several Excel images that represent examples of various uses of Excel in the primary or elementary school.


Hook, W., Bishop, W., & Hook, J. (2007). A quality math curriculum in support of effective teaching for elementary schools. Educational studies in mathematics, 65(2), 125-148. doi:10.1007/s10649-006-9050-4.  EBSCOhost (accessed November 20, 2010).

This article reports the findings of the Third International Math & Science Study in with the rationale that explains why, as compared with other countries (Singapore, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Belgium and the Czech Republic), students in the United States perform so poorly in the mathematical subjects.  According to this writer, it is because of the curriculum content.  The consensus of this study concludes that (1) U.S. states had far too many topics, particularly in the lower grades; the writers call this “not focused (2) topics are introduced too early and taught with too little depth, and are endlessly repeated (3) topics in U.S. are not presented in a logical, step-by-step order, which the writers call “not coherent” and (4) topics are not very demanding, especially in middle school years.  The writers reports the introduction of a quality curriculum, CC98,  into four low-performing jurisdictions in California, as well as one high performing one.

These writers assert that “this research is relevant to any entity which wishes to change to a quality curriculum in order to improve learning.”  For this undertaking, this study takes a close look at two California school districts’ that reported ‘stunning performance improvement’ after adopting what is labeled the quality curriculum (CC98) which was based on the curricula of the six leading math countries.   For our purposes, this article outlines the principles and demographics of the study.  Included are supportive illustrations as well as a complete outline of the study.  Based upon this research, the conclusions of this study must be that; The CC98-Basic Key Standard curriculum is the content of a quality curriculum.